What is Sani Peyarchi? Why it is significant to you? | Ama Vedic Services

What is Sani Peyarchi? Why it is significant to you?

Sani Peyarchi is the transition of Sani Bhagavan from one house to the next house among the 12 houses (Mesha, Rishaba etc) in a person’s horoscope. Sani Bhagavan normally transits from one house to the other in every 2½ years (30 months). This is called Sani Peyarchi and this transition of Sani Bhagavan causes lots of changes in an individual’s life as per his horoscope.


When other planets stay in a house for the shorter duration of time, it is only Sani Bhagavan who stays in a house for 2 ½ years.


When planets like Sun (Surya), Venus (Sukra)and Mercury (Bhudha) stay in a house for only 30 days, Mars (Sevvai) stays in a house for 45 days and Moon(Chandra) for 2 ½ days, Jupiter (Guru) for 1 year and Rahu/Ketu for 1 ½ years, it is only Sani Bhagavan who stays in a house for 30 months.


So, it is essential to do homam and parhiharams during Sani Peyarchi and all such good events will fetch the best positive results for individuals belonging to all 12 houses (Mesha Rishaba etc).


In 2017, Sani Peyarchi takes place on 19.12.2017 at 9.55 am. It is Tuesday, marked by Shukla Prathama with Amrutha yogam and Moola Nakshatra.


At this time, Sani Bhagavan transits from Scorpio (Vrichigarasi) to Sagittarius (Danush rasi). He is transiting from Kettai nakshatra to Moola nakshatra.


Participating in Saniswara homam is essential as Sani Peyarchi affects all individuals one way or the other.This is a must especially for those rasis affected terribly by the transit of Sani Bhagavan.


Ama Vedic Services presents “Chennaiyil Thirunallaru”, the only one of its kind in Chennai, Sani Peyarchi homam will be conducted as it is in Thirunallaru.


Register here & Get the full benefits of the events and seek the blessings of Sani Bhagavan.








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