Sani Peyarchi Palankal | Ama Vedic Services

Sani Peyarchi Palankal

Saniswara Bhagavan transits from Vrichiga rasi to Dhanush rasi on 19.12.2017 and is going to stay there for 2 ½ years. This transit causes good and bad changes to all the people who belong to any one of the 12 houses (Mesha, Rishaba etc)



Following are the results of the transit of Sani Bhagavan on 19.12.2017.


Sani Peyarchi 2017 palankal


  1. Mesha rasi-  9th place- Bhagya Sani

Happiness in the family, help from the relatives, hassle free activities, buying house and vehicle, indulging in charity activities-

People belonging to this house should worship Vinayaka, Kula Deivam and Perumal.


  1. Rishabha rasi- 8th place-Ashtama Sani

Confusion, stressful travels; turn in legal cases, problem in matters of ancestral property

People belonging to this house should worship Shiva, favourite deity, and Sani Bagavan.


  1. Mithuna rasi- 7th place-Kanda Sani

Delay in matters, not getting back the money lent, restless behaviour, fewer rewards

People belonging to this house should worship Perumal, Mahalakshmi, Saniswara Bhagavan.


  1. Kadaka rasi- 6th place- Roga Sani

Improvement in financial status, income through travel, honest activity, praises from others-should take care of health-

People belonging to this house should worship Vinayaka and Chakkarathaazhvaar.


  1. Simha rasi- 5th place- Purva Punya Sani

Wealth, money through saving, success though brother

People belonging to this house should worship Hanuman and Durga.


  1. Kanni rasi-4th place-Ardhashtama Sani

Hurdle in the profession, obstacle in work, change in profession, problem with the attendants-

People belonging to this house should worship Perumal, Bhairava and Sani Bhagavan.


  1. Thula rasi- 3rd place-Vimochana Sani

Sudden lucky chances, blessings from elders, status in the society, foreign trip

People belonging to this house should worship Vinayaka and Perumal.


  1. Vrichiga rasi- 2nd place- Padha Sani

Financial tussles, harsh words, disagreement with brother, confusion in the family

People belonging to this house should worship Sani Bhagavan and Parvathi.


  1. Dhanush rasi- 1st place- Janma Sani

Fruitless work, health issues, impediments, delay, less income

People belonging to this house should worship Hanuman and Sani Bhagavan.


  1. Makara rasi-12th place-Viraya Sani

Loss in goods, excessive expenditure, hassles in investments and impediments-

People belonging to this house should worship Navagraha and Aiyappan.


  1. .Kumba rasi-11th place-Laba Sani

Promotion in profession, success in work, profit in business, purchasing new properties

 People belonging to this house should worship Shiva and Parvathi.


  1. Meena Rasi-10th place-Jeevana Sani

Unity in the family, new effective ventures, generous activities

 People belonging to this house should worship Vinayaka and Sani Bhagavan.


Seeking blessings of Lord Sani is essential as Sani Peyarchi affects all individuals one way or the other. This is a must especially for those rasis affected terribly by the transit of Sani Bhagavan.










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