Homam or Havan is not Dead! | Ama Vedic Services

Homam or Havan is not Dead!

Homam or Havan is not Dead!


You find it all over the world!


Here is good news!


Hindus to perform elaborate ancient fire ritual in South Africa for peace.


It is interesting to note that lighting 108 fires as part of conducting homam in the sports ground of Port Shepstone town of Kwazulu- Natal in South Africa is a regular practice by the Hindu organizations of South Africa and is to be conducted on the Freedom Day of South Africa on April 27 every year.



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Homam is a great Vedic event for invoking gods through Agni and indulge in ritualistic practices for attaining religious benefits and moksha. As we all know, the practice of conducting homam is a very ancient Hindu ritual and we adopt it even today for different Vedic purposes.


This maha yagna is conducted in Marburg Sports Complex and is hosted by Port Shepstone Hindu Cultural Federation along with other Hindu organizations.108 havan gunds are organised and there are various priests participating in the yagna.



The efforts of the Federation have been appreciated by Razan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism. He applauded the realization of the Federation to conduct yagna, an ancient Hindu ritual which brings wellbeing for the entire globe. It is also an effort to pass on the values and legacy of yagna to the posterity, making people realize that it is not materialism but real inward search for Self that will lead to Moksha.


Dr. Rabbilas and Saths Singh (the Chairperson of the Federation) are the important guests for the day.it is a free event and lunch is served to all.


Port Shepstone is located on Mzimkulu river in Ugu District in South Africa.


So, our Vedic practices are rampant all over the world and they still enliven people with their ritualistic benefits that pave way for global wellbeing.


We are one of the best  Homam services in Chennai.  


From anywhere, you can book homam services in Chennai through our online booking facility. Call Us today



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