உன்னத மார்கழி ஏன் உத்தமமானது?
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Kamika Ekadashi is the one that occurs in the Krishna Paksha in the Tamil month of Aadi. It is also called Shraavana Krishna Ekadashi and has a great significance among the Ekadashis we observe over a year.
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ஆடி என்றவுடன் அம்மன் வழிபாடும் ,நீத்தார் கடனும் நமக்கு நினைவுக்கு வரும்.ஆடி செவ்வாயும்,ஆடி அமாவாசையும் நமக்குள் விளைவித்திருக்கும் தாக்கமே காரணம்.
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A Jyotirlinga is a temple where Lord Shiva, is worshipped in the form of Jyotirlingam or “Lingam of Light”
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Rituals are the essence of Hindu religion and they awaken spirituality in a human being. Our ritual center helps you attain the fruits of life through pooja services and other services.
Significance of rituals in Hindu religion
Rituals form a major portion of Hindu life and the poojas, homam, and other such religious activities are part and parcel of Hindu culture. They boost the religiosity and moral being of a person, endorsing a spiritual awakening in him and transforming him to a supreme mode of thinking and acting. Without performing rituals, the life of a Hindu is not complete and he worships many deities for various purposes and goals through rituals and poojas conducted through a ritual center nearby to please Gods, attain prosperity and wellbeing in life and improve the supremacy of living by heading towards salvation or moksha after death.
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Satyanarayana --the supreme divine being
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Rituals are the essence of Hindu religion and they awaken spirituality in a human being
Rituals form a major portion of Hindu life and the poojas, homam and other such religious activities are part and parcel of Hindu culture. They boost the religiosity and moral being of a person, endorsing a spiritual awakening in him and transforming him to a supreme mode of thinking and acting. Without performing rituals, the life of a Hindu is not complete and he worships many deities for various purposes and goals through rituals and poojas so as to please Gods, attain prosperity and wellbeing in life and improve the supremacy of living by heading towards salvation or moksha after death.
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